// clear screen g0 hex 0C // character columns & rows g1 color yellow g0 strln 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 str 2 hex 2020202020 202020 str 1 hex 2020202020 20202020 str 2 hex 2020202020 20202020 str 3 hex 2020202020 20202020 str 4 strln strln 3 strln 4 strln 5 strln 6 strln 7 strln 8 strln 9 strln 10 strln 11 strln 12 strln 13 strln 14 strln 15 strln 16 strln 17 strln 18 strln 19 str 20 g1 // title setp 30 170 color white g0 strln MICROTEL VTX-202 g1 setp 30 160 g0 strln Telidon Terminal g1 setp 30 150 g0 strln TEST: SCREEN & GRAPHICS g1 setp 30 140 g0 strln 2015 Sep g1 // colors setp 30 90 color black rectf +12 +12 color red rectf +12 +12 color green rectf +12 +12 color blue rectf +12 +12 setpr -48 -12 color white rectf +12 +12 color yellow rectf +12 +12 color magenta rectf +12 +12 color cyan rectf +12 +12 // gray-scale hex 3D 4D // switch to gray-scale setp 30 60 hex 3C 40 // gray 0 - black rectf +12 +12 hex 3C 48 // gray 1 rectf +12 +12 hex 3C 50 // gray 2 rectf +12 +12 hex 3C 58 // gray 3 rectf +12 +12 hex 3C 60 // gray 4 rectf +12 +12 hex 3C 68 // gray 5 rectf +12 +12 hex 3C 70 // gray 6 rectf +12 +12 hex 3C 78 // gray 7 - white rectf +12 +12 hex 3D 4C // switch to color // rectangle at screen corners color white srect 0 0 255 199 // point in center color red point 128 100 // circle at center color green sarc 108 100 +40 +0 -40 +0 // diamond from 4 lines color magenta sliner 200 150 +20 +20 liner +20 -20 liner -20 -20 liner -20 +20 // zigzag color cyan setp 210 120 liner +20 +0 -20 -10 +20 +0 -20 -10 +20 +0 -20 -10 +20 +0 -20 -10 +20 +0 -20 -10 // rectangle color yellow srect 30 30 +30 +20 // arc color blue sarc 80 20 +20 +10 -10 +10 //polygon color red spoly 170 40 +20 +30 -20 +30 +20 +30 // cloud from byte mag color white setp 150 10 arcf -4 +6 +11 +3 arcf +8 +7 +6 -3 arcf +17 +9 +0 -20 arcf -23 -5 -17 +3 polyf +7 +9 +14 +4 +17 -11 g0