East Sooke Park Hike/Run

2018 Sep

A counter-clock-wise loop hike through East Sooke Park. Starting at the Aylard Farm parking lot on the east side of the park, heading north-west through the forest on the Interior trail (red on trail map), side trips up Babbington Hill and Mt Maguire, down to Pike Point on the west side of the park, return on the coast trail (blue) to Aylard Farm.

Approx. 21-24km / 13-15mi.

Bad iphone photos.

Follow along on the trail map.

01.View south-west to the Olympic peninsula from a side-trip to Babbington Hill in the park interior.
Traversing left-to-right through the park at this point.
The return trip will be right-to-left along the coast down below the far trees.

02. The island off Pike Point at the west end of the park.

03. Turning around on the trail, a view into Iron Mine Bay. Note the little island.

04. Iron Mine Bay from the little island, looking back in the direction of the source of the previous photo.

05. One of the pocket beaches at Iron Mine Bay from the little island.

06. Looking south-east now from a point by Iron Mine Bay, to the coast about to be traversed.
The far point in the distance is Beechey Head. The destination trail-end back at Aylard Farm is around and beyond that point.

07. Starting along the coast, but looking back to Iron Mine Bay and Pike Point, trail seen on the right side of the pic.

08. And on the trail heading SE.

09. Heading SE, trail discernible at bottom of pic.

10. Along the way.

11. A view SE again along the way.

12. Looking back to Pike Point with the island from photo 02.

13. Cliff view along the trail.

14. The cabin at Cabin Point.

15. Continuing SE, the point is Beechey Head. (Note yellow trail marker).

16. Geographic reference marker at Beechey Head.

17. Looking back NW from Beechey Head, to Pike Point with island, in the distance.

18. Around Beechey Head and heading NE.

19. Funny arbutus right over the trail.

20. Some arbutus pics from along the trail.





25. Trail's end, the pocket beach back at Aylard Farm.
Shadows, as it's getting late in the afternoon.

(web page 2019 Jun)