Vol/Num |
Date |
Topic Year |
Topic |
V15/N1 | JanMar 1993 | 1940s |
The Computer as Von Neumann Planned It. (NR)
V19/N1 | JanMar 1987 | 1930/40s |
Crossing the Divide (30/40s --> stored program).
V20/N3 | JulSep 1998 | 1948 |
SSEM description. "Early Programs on the Manchester Mark 1 Prototype"
V21/N1 | JanMar 2000 | 1950 |
Table of machines circa 1950.
V20/N4 | OctNov 1998 | 1953 |
Eckerts 1953 article on memory technologies.
V22/N1 | JanMar 2000 | ~ 1954 |
pg 29, recollections of J. W. Birkenstock, somewhat ambiguous ref to Watson Jr,
ordering all 700 series machines to be 'retrofitted' with transistors.
V20/N3 | JulSep 1998 | 1954 |
Sperry Rand's transistor computers. Bell Labs TRADIC, built for Air Force in 1954, first transistor computer.
IBM first transistor usage: pg 61, recollections of J.C. Logue,
example transistorized version of 604 by 1954 (2200 transistors).
V19/N3 | JulSep 1997 | ~ 1969 |
Intel 4004.
Long article about development between Japan and U.S. regarding Busicom/Intel and calculators.
Mentions early adoption of MOS by Japanese companies.
V21/N1 | JanMar 1999 |   |
History of Computing Curriculum with lists of suggested topics, technologies, etc.
V19/N1 | JanMar 1987 |   |
V20/N4? Synthesis in Software Engineering: long article on software/language devel. history.
V21/N2 | AprJun 1999 |   |
"Calculators" column.
"Short contributions regarding the development, manufacture and use of calculators."
V19/N2 | AprJun 1997 | late 1930s |
Z3 description
V20/N2 | AprJun 1998 | 1950s-... |
Beginnings of AI in biography of Newell by Simon
V3/N2 | AprJun 1981 | 1946-51 |
Pilot ACE
V15/N1 | JanMar 1993 | 1946 |
"The Computer as von Neumann Planned It", modern interp. of the FDR-EDVAC