Rapidman 1208 LC Calculator

Manufacturer: Rapidman
Model: 1208 LC
Year: 1972
Form: Desktop
Functions: Basic four
Number of Digits: 8
Display Type: LCD
Logic Technology: LSI-3
Diodes: 5
Transistors: 1
IC Complement:Rockwell 10661/15311 PA
Rockwell 10417 PB (2)
Tech. Data Level: 2
Tech. Data Source: RE
Tech. Data Pages: 1
Tech. Data:offline

This model is notable for very early use of an LCD display. Too early one might say, all 3 of the units in my possession utilising these displays have only partially operable displays, bubbles having developed in the liquid crystal.

The same electronics as the Lloyd's Accumatic 70 but packaged in a different case. See the Lloyd's 70 for the schematic.

- Unit Log -

Serial Number: 11456
Year of Manufacture: 1972 (ICs stamped with 10661:7247, 10417:7246,7246.)
Date of Receipt: 18 May 2001
Source: Burnaby V. V.
State upon Receipt: Missing display window/bezel. LCD display has a bubble in it, leaving several digits only partially active.
Current State: Functional except for display bubble (02 Jun 2001).

Date: 02 Jun 2001
Procedure: Cleaned. Display swapped with that of the Lloyd's Accumatic 70.

- Unit Log -

Serial Number: 10499
Year of Manufacture: 1972 (ICs stamped with 15311:7250, 10417:7308,7308.)
Date of Receipt: 23 Jun 2001
Source: Vancouver Flea Market
State upon Receipt: Good physical condition. LCD display has a bubble in it, all segments are active except for decimal point of digit 2.
Current State: Fully functional except for decimal point of digit 2 (23 Jun 2001).

Date: 24 Jun 2001
Procedure: Cleaned.

  Rapidman 1208 LC
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