HP 21xx
The HP 2116 Processors  

This page covers the hardware configurations of the three versions (A, B and C) of the 2116 processor. An attempt is made to elaborate the similarities and the differences between the three versions. It is not complete however, particularly with regards to the 2116A, for which I have little information.

The three rows of boards in the 2116 cabinet are roughly delineated as:

The three versions differ primarily in the maximum amount of memory which can be installed in the main cabinet, reflected most noticeably in the re-organisation between the versions of the top row of boards. The A model contains up to two 4 KWord core modules while the B model contains up to two 8 KWord modules. The C model contains up to four 8 KWord modules, the modules being different than those of the B.

Note that aside from the I/O interface slots, the backplane is not a bus architecture: a particular slot is intended to receive a particular board. The I/O interface slots (203 thru 218) are a bus architecture, the only difference between slots being the select code assigned to the slot and consequent interrupt priority (lower slot number, higher priority).

The power supplies for the 2116s are relatively complex for 'simple' linear supplies. There are various inter-dependancies between the regulators for proper power-up/down sequencing. The construction of the main logic supplies of +4.5V and -2V is such that the +4.5V line is actually the regulator common and the regulators supply -4.5V and -6.5V.

Contents (this page):


All photos are of a 2116C.

Opening the front door gives access to the card cage and allows for front panel lamp replacement. There are also some test mode switches on the rear of the front panel.

The card cage: DMA & memory on the top row, CPU on the left of the middle row, and I/O on the bottom. The 4 boards to the right on the middle row are just being stored there. On the far right of the middle row are power supply test points.

The card cage slides out on 4 internal rails, the two left rails split and the cage then swings on hinges built into the two right rails, giving access to the backplane wiring and the power supply.

The split rails on which the card cage mounts.

One of the CPU boards: a 4-bit slice of registers and ALU. 4 of these boards are present in the CPU for the 16-bit word-width.

The backplane is wired with a type of crimp connector.

SSA: The planar-array of cores and the sense amplifiers of the 8KW memory module. Jumper block to connect with the XY DRIVER board included on the left.

XY DRIVER: Address matrix drivers of the 8KW memory module. Note the TO-19 transistor providing a fix for one blown transistor in a quad-transistor DIP package.

INHIBIT DRIVER: The third board of the 8KW memory module.

2116A Configuration

The A version permits two 4 KWord modules to be installed in the main cabinet.

Each 4 KWord module appears to be composed of:

Power supply voltages and primary usage are as follows:

?core X/Y drivers
?core inhibit drivers
+12I/O line drivers

Still much to find out about this model version.

2116B Configuration

The B version replaced the two 4 KWord modules of the A with two 8 KWord modules, made possible in large measure by the use of anti-coincident addressing.

Each 8 KWord module is composed of:

Power supply voltages and primary usage are as follows:

+22core X/Y drivers
+32core inhibit drivers
+12I/O line drivers, core sense amps

2116C Configuration

The C version permits four 8 KWord modules to be installed in the main cabinet, however these modules are different than the 8 KWord modules of the B. The core stacks at the back are gone, the core is now mounted on the regular plug-in boards.

Each 8 KWord module is comprised of 3 boards:

The lowest 8 KWord address range is covered in slots 20, 21 and 22. I don't know the addressing order for the other slots.

The new memory modules are similar to those used in the 2100A, enough so that large portions of the schematic for the 2100A modules applies to the 2116C modules.

Note that because the maximum addressable memory (32 KWords) can now be installed in the main cabinet, the memory extender slots (221,222) are no longer needed.

Slots 15 and 16 are presumably for the memory parity and protection options (order not known).

The power supply was altered from that of the B for different voltages required by the new memory modules:

+20core X/Y drivers, inhibit drivers
-20core X/Y drivers
+12I/O line drivers, core sense amps

The alterations focus around the removal of the +32V supply and increasing the current capacity of the +20V supply via use of the 'old' +32V filter capacitors. There is also a change between the B and C models in the manner in which the line supply is switched on/off (push-button on the B, toggle switch on the C). The majority of the schematic for the 2116B supply (2116B Vol. 2 pg. 5-91) still applies to the 2116C.

Board List

Following is a list of boards for use in the 2116A, B and C. A "?" in the slot column for the model indicates that I do not know whether it is permissible to use that board in that processor model. In most such cases there is another version of the board which is known to be applicable to that processor.

Note: I/O interface boards are listed on another page.

Note: "V Dat Dv" is Version, Date and Division.

Name / Label Board Number Revision
V Dat Dv
Description 2116A Slot 2116B Slot 2116C Slot Refs
Front Panel Coupler 02116-6184? Difference from 6208 unknown. ? 101 ? IB2
02116-6208D 942 22   ? 101 101 MB2.70,PBC
Arithmetic Logic 02116-6026L 805 22 4-bit slices of the registers and ALU. ? 102-5 102-5 MB2.70,PBC
TIMING GEN 02116-6281923   ? 106 ? MB2.70
02116-63220C 1043 22 Difference from 6281 unknown. ? ? 106 PBC
Instruction Decoder 02116-6027K 830 22   ? 107 107 MB2.70,PBC
Shift Logic 02116-6029K 729 22   ? 108 108 MB2.70,PBC
Extended Arithmetic Unit Timing 02116-6196? Provides additional arithmetic instructions. ? 109 ? IB2
Extended Arithmetic Unit Logic 02116-6202? See above. ? 110 ? IB2
Name / Label Board Number V Dat Dv Description 2116A 2116B 2116C Refs
Memory Module Decoder 02116-6300937 Selects the addressed module.   2   MB2.70
02116-6274811 Selects the addressed module. (BACKDATED)   2   MB2.70
Direct Memory Logic 02116-6069907 Buffering, switching between CPU access and DMA access. In spite of the name, this board is required, even if the DMA option boards are not present.   20   MB2.70
02115-6044821 Logic appears to be identical to 02116-6069, but bias/load resistors are different, this board uses CTL, 6069 uses CTL & TTL. (BACKDATED)   20   MB2.70
Sense Amp 02116-6298902 17 sense amps for 4K.   10,11,
02115-6001744 17 sense amps for 4K. (BACKDATED)   10,11,
Driver Switch 02116-6266943 Address drivers for 1 dimension of 8K.   8,9,
Inhibit Driver 02116-6265819 17 inhibit drivers for 4K.   4,6,
MDB 02116-63248A 1018 22 Memory Data Buffer?     13 PBC
MAD 02116-63212A 1016 22 Memory Address Decoder?     14 PBC
SSA 02116-63207A 1035 22 8K core stack and sense amplifiers. (also: 02116-83209) (on core stack: 02116-63207 / B 1035 22 / 5087-1004)     9,10,
X Y DRIVER 02116-63211A-1016-22 Address drivers for 2 dimensions of 8K.     8,11,
INHIBIT DRIVER 02116-63260A-1042-22 Inhibit drivers for 8K.     7,12,
Memory Parity Check 12591-6001? Optional. ? 3 ? M13206
Memory Protect ?? Optional. ? 21 ?  
Memory Extender 02116-6181? For connection to optional 2150A extender cabinet to provide additional memory. 221,222 221,222   BI2
Name / Label Board Number V Dat Dv Description 2116A 2116B 2116C Refs
DMA WORD COUNT 02116-6206C 908 22 The DMA boards provide 2 independant channels of Direct Memory Access for high speed I/O devices such as magnetic tape and disks. ? 116,117 1,2 PBC
DMA Address Encoder
02116-6205? ? 118 ? IB2,M13206
02116-6315B 936 22 ? ? 3 PBC
DMA CONTROL 02116-6204A 751 6 ? 119 4 PBC
DMA Character Packer
02116-6203? ? 120 ? IB2,M13206
02116-6313A 750 22 ? ? 5 PBC
I/O Bus Support
Name / Label Board Number V Dat Dv Description 2116A 2116B 2116C Refs
I/O Control

L 839 22
Part of I/O bus interface with CPU. Global interrupt control. 201
I/O Address 02116-6042651
Part of I/O bus interface with CPU. Select-code decoding & central interrupt register. 202 ? ? MA3.67
I/O Address
C 829 22
Referred to by both names. Difference from 6042 unknown. ?
B 920 22
Termination resistors, should come after all I/O interface boards. Not required if all interface slots (203-218) are filled. 218 218 218 MA3.67,PBC
I/O Extender (part 1) 02116-6182? For connection to optional 2150A extender cabinet to provide additional I/O slots. 219 219 219 BI2
I/O Extender (part 2) 02116-6183? See above. 220 220 220 BI2
Name / Label Board Number V Dat Dv Description 2116A 2116B 2116C Refs
POWER FAIL 02116-6175D 925 22 Power fail detection and interrupt generation. Also generates POFP (Power On-Off Pulse) and PON (Power On Normal) signals. ? 1 ? MB2.70
POWER FAIL 02116-6305D 925 22 This is a -6175 with a handwritten label on it saying it has been rebuilt as -6305. One zener may have been replaced. ? ? 6 PBC
Power Fail with Auto-Restart 12588-6001? Appears to be an optional alternative to the Power Fail board. ? 1 ? M13206
Power Supply
Name / Label Board Number V Dat Dv Description 2116A 2116B 2116C Refs
Logic Supply Regulators 02116-6014D 638 22
D 1049 22
Control for +4.5V, -2V, +12V regulators. ? 301
Memory Supply Regulators 02116-6015D 822 6 Control for +22V, -22V, -12V, +32V regulators. ? 302   MB2.70
02116-63214E 1049 22 Control for +20V, -20V, -12V regulators. Almost identical to -6015 but with the components for +32V left out. (Also marked with 02116-8015.)     302 PBC
Crowbars PCA 02116-6126D 837 6     121,2   MB2.70
02116-63213D 1009 22 Identical to -6126 but with the components for +32V left out. (Also marked with 02116-8126.)     121,2 PBC

Key to Refs:


  CTµL | 2116 | I/O Interfaces | Programming Ref | Software | 2116C Refurb
HP 21xx Series
Jun 2004