Single Port Asynchronous Serial Communication Interfaces
Kit Number |
Name |
Board/PCA |
Description |
Refs |
12531A | Teleprinter | 02116-6007 02116-6110 |
Asynchronous full-duplex communication with one terminal over 20mA loop (and RS-232?). Serial-parallel conversion must be performed by software (AKA bit-banging). This board uses two channels (receive and transmit) to achieve the full duplex ability. The interface board occupies one slot, the second slot is occupied by an interrupt priority jumper board. |
LJ67,67,68 |
12531B | Buffered Teleprinter | 12531-6001 or 02116-6168 |
Asynchronous half-duplex communication with one terminal over 20mA loop or RS-232 line. Serial-parallel conversion provided in hardware. Bit rate is 110 BPS, determined by an RC oscillator. |
MB69,LJ68,69 |
12531C | Buffered Teleprinter | 12531-60022 |
Crystal oscillator and dividers added to the 12531B to provide for more bit rates.
The rates are jumper-selectable from 110,220,440,880,1760 BPS.
MB72,LJ71 |
12531D | High-Speed Terminal | 12531-60025 |
Same as the 12531C but with a crystal of different frequency to provide the more standard bit rates of 150,300,600,1200,2400.
(Higher speeds are possible - see sub-page.)
LJ72,PB |
12540A | Dataphone | 02116-6007 02116-6110 |
For use with Bell 103A modem. Same boards as 12531A. Replaced by 12531C-002. |
LJ68,67,68,69 |
12587A | Async Dataset | 12587-60001 |
LJ70 |
12587B | Async Dataset | 12587-60004 |
For use with Bell 103 or 202 Datasets. 26 to 3110 baud. |
LJ74,75,77 |
12966A | Buffered Async Communications (BACI) | 12966-60001 |
Half-duplex, program configurable, device status-line sensing, 128 byte buffer.
MB79,LJ79,77 |
12968A | Async Data Communications | 12968-60001 |
Half-duplex, program configurable, device status-line sensing.
Appears to be similar/identical to the 12966A but without the 128 byte buffer.
MB78,77 |
(index) |
Multi-Port Asynchronous Serial Communication Interfaces
Kit Number |
Name |
Board/PCA |
Description |
Refs |
12584A | 16-port Teleprinter Multiplexor | 12584-6001 |
Asynchronous communication with up to 16 terminals over RS-232 lines at 110 BPS. An 8*110 Hz clock is provided by the hardware, but serial-parallel conversion must be performed by software. |
MB69,LJ69 |
12584B | 16-port Teleprinter Multiplexor | 12584-60131? |
See 12584A. |
LJ70 |
12792A | 8-port Async Multiplexor | 5061-3415 |
Another multi-port async multiplexor, this one with it's own on-board Z80A processor.
Manual specifies for use with M/E/F series processors, power requirements in manual indicate no use of -2V.
MB80,LJ73 |
12920A |
16-port Async Multiplexor | 12921-60001 12921-60002 12922-60001 |
Up to 2400 baud.
Appears to be a much improved version of the 12584A.
The two 12921 PCAs are for port data, the 12922 PCA is for port control and status signals (RTS,DTR,etc.).
A second 12922 PCA may be added to support more control/status signals for each port.
MB72,LJ72 |
12920B |
16-port Async Multiplexor | 12920-60001 12920-60002 12922-60001 |
See 12920A. |
75,77 |
(index) |
Synchronous Serial Communication Interfaces
Kit Number |
Name |
Board/PCA |
Description |
Refs |
12618A | Synchronous Dataset | 12621-60001 12622-60001 |
For use with such as Bell 201A/B Datasets. Up to 9600 baud. Transmit and receive. |
LJ70,75,77 |
12621A | Synchronous Dataset (Receive) | 12621-60001 |
Receive half of 12618A. |
LJ70 |
12622A | Synchronous Dataset (Transmit) | 12622-60001 |
Transmit half of 12618A. |
LJ70 |
12967A | Synchronous Communications | ? |
Half-duplex, up to 20 KBaud.
77 |
(index) |
Other Communication Interfaces
Kit Number |
Name |
Board/PCA |
Description |
Refs |
12589A | Autodialer | 12589-6001 |
For use with such as Bell 801 Automatic Dialing Unit. |
LJ70,75,77 |
12771 | Computer Serial | 12665-60001 |
Long-distance serial in high-noise environment.
(Why is the PCA number different than the kit number for a specialised interface?)
LJ76 |
12880A | Keyboard-Display Terminal | 12880-60001 |
110 to 9600 BPS determined by terminal clock signal. |
LJ71,75,77 |
12889A | Hard-wired Serial | 12889-60001 |
Long-distance, high-speed async communications. Rates up to 2.5 MBaud and distances to 2400 ft. |
LJ74,75,77 |
(index) |
Magnetic Tape Drive Interfaces
Kit Number |
Name |
Board/PCA |
Description |
Refs |
12537A | Incremental Magnetic Tape Output | 02116-6128 |
For use with Kennedy 1406 or 1506 transports.
LJ68,67,68 |
12538A | Low-density Magnetic Tape I/O | 02116-6157 02116-6158 |
For use with HP (H26) 2020A or 2020B transports.
7-track, 200/556 BPI, 30 IPS.
LJ68,67,68,69 |
12559A | 9-track Magnetic Tape | 02116-6159 02116-6160 |
For use with HP (H01) 3030G transport.
9-track, 800 BPI, 75 IPS.
MB70,LJ70,69 |
13181A |
Magnetic Tape | 13181-60040 13181-60010 |
Controller for 7970 series transports.
9-track, 800 BPI, 37.5, 25 or 12.5 IPS selected by jumpers.
MB74,LJ72,PB |
13181A-003 | Magnetic Tape | 13181-60070 13181-60010 |
As above but for a tape speed of 45 IPS.
Just a different crystal on one board.
MB74 |
13181B |
Magnetic Tape | 13181-60074 13181-60075 |
Difference from A version yet to be determined.
Manual specifies for 21MX processors.
Still uses -2V.
MB80,LJ82 |
13182A |
Magnetic Tape | ? |
Controller for some unspecified 7970 series transport.
LJ71 |
13183A |
Magnetic Tape | ? |
Controller for 7970E transport.
9-track, 1600 BPI, phase-encoded.
LJ71 |
13184A |
Magnetic Tape | ? |
Controller for 7970E transport.
Difference from 13183A unknown.
LJ72 |
(index) |
Drum & Disc Drive Interfaces
Kit Number |
Name |
Board/PCA |
Description |
Refs |
12557A | Cartridge Disc | 12557-60002 12557-60003 |
For use with HP 2871A Cartidge Disc Controller.
(LJ: PCAs are identical except for jumpers.)
MB70,LJ70 |
12561A | Disc Memory | ? |
For use with 2757A (174KWords) or 2757A-01 (348KWords) disc drives. |
69 |
12565A | Disc Memory | 12565-60001 12565-60002 |
For use with HP 2883A, 2884A or 2885A disc memories. |
MB73,LJ71 |
12606B | Disc Memory | 12606-6001 12606-6002 |
For use with HP 2770A or 2771A disc memories. |
MB70,LJ70 |
12610A 12610B | Drum Memory | 12610-6001 12610-6002 |
For use with HP 2773A, 2774A or 2775A drum memories. |
MB70,LJ70 |
12821A | Disc | 12821-60003 |
Interface for discs over high-speed version of IEEE 488-1978 standard (HPIB) bus.
For use with HP CS80 series and H series disc drives.
MB80 |
12960A | Cartridge Disc | ? |
For use with 7900A disc drives. Up to 4 drives, 4.9 MBytes each. |
75 |
12965A | Disc File | ? |
Up to 2 drives, 23.4 MBytes each. |
75 |
13175D | Disc Controller | 13037-60023 |
Interface to HP 13037 controller for HP 7906, 7920 and 7925 disc drives.
(Note: Manual refers only to E and F series processors.)
MB83 |
13178D | Disc Controller | 13037-60025 |
Similar to 13175D but permits multiple CPUs on the controller.
PCAs are identical except 60023 has terminating resistors.
MB83 |
13210A | Disc Drive | 13210-60000 13210-60004 |
For use with 7900 series disc drives. |
MB74,LJ72 |
(index) |
Paper: Tape, Card, Printer and Plotter Interfaces
Kit Number |
Name |
Board/PCA |
Description |
Refs |
12532A | High-speed Punched Tape Input | 02116-6002 |
For use with HP-2737A/B readers. 300 CPS |
LJ67,67,68,69 |
12536A | High-speed Punched Tape Output | 02116-6045 |
For use with HP-2753A punch. 120 CPS. |
LJ68,67,68,69 |
12597A-002 | Tape Reader | 12597-6001 |
For use with HP-2748A,B or HP-2758A paper tape readers. Uses a particular configuration of the 12597 8-bit Duplex Register. GND-TRUE, POS-FALSE. |
MB71,LJ73,PB |
12597A-003 | Tape Punch | 12597-6001 |
For use with HP-2753A paper tape punch. Uses a particular configuration of the 12597 8-bit Duplex Register. GND-TRUE, POS-FALSE. |
LJ70 |
12597A-005 | Tape Punch | 12597-6001 |
For use with HP-2895A paper tape punch. Uses a particular configuration of the 12597 8-bit Duplex Register. GND-TRUE, POS-FALSE. |
MB73,LJ71 |
12558A | Card Reader | 12554-60023 |
For use with HP-2779A card reader. |
LJ70 |
12882A | Card Reader | 12882-60001 |
For use with HP-2891A card reader. Specialised 12-bit parallel input. |
LJ71,PB |
12924A | Card Reader | 12924-60001 |
For use with HP-2892A card reader. Specialised 12-bit parallel input.
Very similar to the 12882, contains a few additional components (U92, R32, R36, C14, C52).
MB72,LJ72 |
12602A | Optical Mark Reader | 12554-6002 |
For use with HP-2761A-07 optical mark card reader. |
LJ69 |
12602B | Optical Mark Reader | 12602-60022 |
For use with HP-2761A-07 or -08 optical mark card reader. |
LJ70 |
12617A | Line Printer | 12554-60024 |
For use with HP 2778A line printer. |
LJ69 |
12653A | Line Printer | 12653-60002 |
For use with HP 2767A line printer. |
LJ70 |
12845A | Line Printer | 12845-60001 |
For use with HP 2610A or 2614A line printers. Parallel output. |
MB72,LJ72 |
12845B | Line Printer | ? |
LJ76 |
12560A | Digital Incremental Plotter | 5100-4441 or 12560-6001 |
For use with CalComp 565 or 563 plotters. |
LJ67 |
(index) |
General Purpose Interfaces
Kit Number |
Name |
Board/PCA |
Description |
Refs |
- | - | 02116-6004 |
This PCA does not seem to have it's own interface kit number.
It is used in many of the early counter and DVM interface kits (see Instrumentation interfaces).
Presumably it is similar to, or more likely it became, the 12604A 32-bit input. |
- |
12604A | General Purpose Data Source | ? |
32 bits of input. PCA for this may be the above 02116-6004. See also 12604B below. |
69 |
12604B | General Purpose Data Source | 12604-60001 |
32 bits of input. Typically used with counters and DVMs for input of BCD data. |
LJ69,75,77,79 |
12551A | Relay Output Register | 02116-6139 |
16 form A contacts. |
LJ67,68 |
12551B | Relay Register with Interrupt | 12551-6001 12551-6002 |
16 form A contacts. Not clear whether this actually uses two boards, but two numbers are mentioned in LJ68. |
LJ68,69,75,77,79 |
12556B | 40-bit Output Register | 12556-6002 |
LJ72,79 |
12556B-002 | 40-bit Output Register | 12556-60022 |
LJ72 |
12549A | General-Purpose Register | 02116-6006 |
16-bit flip-flop I/O register. |
LJ67,67,68 |
12554A | 16-bit Duplex Register | 12554-60023 or 02116-6195 |
16 pos-input and 16 pos-output lines. |
LJ68,69,75,77 |
12554A-001 | 16-bit Duplex Register | 12554-60024 or 02116-6212 |
16 neg-input and 16 neg-output lines. |
LJ68 |
12597A | 8-bit Duplex Register | 12597-6001 |
General purpose 8-bit parallel I/O.
See paper-tape readers and punches.
(MB71),LJ74,75,77 |
12597A-001 | 8-bit Duplex Register | 12597-6002 |
General purpose 8-bit parallel I/O.
LJ71 |
12597A-? | 8-bit Duplex Register | 12597-6003 |
A PCA identical (visual comparison) to the -6001 but stamped with -6003 instead. |
PB |
12566A | Microcircuit | 12566-6001 |
16-bit input and output flip-flop register, interface at DTL/TTL levels, GND-TRUE. |
LJ68,69 |
12566A-M2 12566A-002 | Microcircuit | 12566-6002 |
16-bit input and output flip-flop register, interface at DTL/TTL levels, POS-TRUE. |
LJ68 |
12566B | Microcircuit | 12566-60024 |
16-bit input and output flip-flop register, interface at DTL/TTL levels, GND-TRUE. |
MB73,LJ73,75,77 |
12566B-002 | Microcircuit | 12566-60025 |
16-bit input and output flip-flop register, interface at DTL/TTL levels, POS-TRUE.
Appears to be the same board as above but inverting buffer ICs are replaced with non-inverting types.
MB73,LJ73 |
12566C | Microcircuit | 12566-60031 |
Some modification of the 12561B? |
LJ |
12930A | Universal | 12930-60001 02116-6110 |
16 differential inputs and 16 differential outputs, up to 500 ft.
Rates up to 2 MBPS over distances up to 25 ft.
Uses two channels (data & command), second PCA is just priority jumper, DMA is supported.
MB72,LJ72,75,77,79 |
12930A-001 | Universal | 12930-60004 02116-6110 |
16 GND-true inputs and 16 GND-true outputs, up to 25 ft.
MB72 |
12930A-002 | Universal | 12930-60005 02116-6110 |
16 positive-true inputs and 16 positive-true outputs, up to 25 ft. |
MB72 |
12620A | Breadboard | 5060-6282 |
Not clear whether this is an I/O interface PCA.
Perhaps it is a PCA for prototyping one's own interface.
LJ73 |
12849A | Controller Microcircuit | 12849-60001 12849-60002 |
Don't know what this is, or whether the boards are I/O interface PCAs, but it is listed as an interface kit.
LJ73 |
(index) |
Instrumentation Interfaces
Kit Number |
Name |
Board/PCA |
Description |
Refs |
12533A 12550A | DVM (HP-2401C) Programmer | 02116-6046 |
To control functions of HP-2401C DVM. |
LJ70,67,68 |
12534A | DVM (HP-3460A) Programmer | 02116-6046 |
To control functions of HP-3460A DVM. |
67 |
12535A | Crossbar Scanner | 02116-6123 |
To control HP-2911 crossbar scanner. |
MB69,LJ69,67,68 |
12541A | DVM (HP-2401C) Data Input | 02116-6004 |
For use with HP-2401C DVM. 8421 BCD. |
LJ67,67,68 |
12542A | DVM (HP-3460A,B) Data Input | 02116-6004 |
For use with HP-3460A,B DVM. |
LJ67,67 |
12543A | DVM (HP-3440A) Data Input | 02116-6004 |
For use with HP-3440A DVM. 8421 BCD. |
MB67,LJ67,67,68 |
12544A | Counter/Thermometer Data Input | 02116-6004 |
For use with 5245L counter or 2801A thermometer. 8421 BCD. |
MB67,LJ67,67,68 |
12545A | 7-digit Counter Input | 02116-6004 |
For use with 5244L, 5275A counters. 8421 BCD. |
LJ68,67,68 |
12546A | 6-digit Counter Input | 02116-6004 |
For use with 5201L, 5202L, 5203L, 5232A, 5233L, 5532A counters. 8421 BCD. |
LJ68,67,68 |
12547A | 5-digit Counter Input | 02116-6004 |
For use with 5212A, 5214L, 5233L, 5512A counters. 8421 BCD. |
LJ68,67,68 |
12548A | 4-digit Counter Input | 02116-6004 |
For use with 5211A/B counters. 8421 BCD. |
LJ68,67,68 |
12550A | DVM (HP-2401C) & Amplifier Programmer | 02116-6046 |
To control functions of HP-2401C DVM and HP-2411A amplifier. Similar to 12533A but different cable. |
LJ67,67,68 |
12555A | Dual 8-bit D-A Converter | 02116-6198 |
LJ68,69 |
12555B | Dual 8-bit D-A Converter | 12555-60001 |
0 to +10V.
(LJ: Install jumper W4 for 2100 computer. Remove for 2114/15/16.)
LJ73,75,77,79 |
12564A | 10-bit A/D Converter | 12564-6001 |
LJ69,PB |
12567A | DVM (HP-2402A) Programmer | 02116-6046 |
To control functions of HP-2402A DVM. |
LJ70 |
12576B | Reed Scanner | 12576-60032 |
Four use with 2912A Reed Scanner.
The 2912A is a multi-channel scanner using reed relays for low loss.
Channel ID and control output.
(Some confusion in LJ ref?, also mentions PCA 12576-6001).
LJ70 |
12661A | Digital Voltage Source Programmer | 12661-6001, 12661-6002 |
(Don't know anything more.
Not clear whether both boards are interface PCAs.)
LJ71 |
59310A | HPIB Input/Output | ? |
For use with devices supporting the HP Interface Bus standard.
LJ75 |
59310B | HPIB Input/Output | 59310-60101 |
For use with devices supporting the HP Interface Bus standard.
77 catalog says for 21MX or 2100 Series, schematic shows use still of -2V on processor I/O bus.
MB79,LJ79,77 |
91000A | A-D Subsystem | ? |
16 single-ended inputs or 8 differential inputs to an analog multiplexor, feeding a 12-bit A-to-D convertor. |
75,79 |
(index) |
Miscellaneous Interfaces
Kit Number |
Name |
Board/PCA |
Description |
Refs |
- | Interrupt Priority Jumper | 02116-6110 |
Used in some circumstances to provide interrupt continuity across an otherwise empty I/O slot. |
- |
12539A | Time-Base Generator | 02116-6119 |
Generates crystal-controlled time intervals, program selectable on decades from 100 micro-seconds to 1000 seconds. |
MB68,LJ67,67,68,69 |
12539B | Time-Base Generator | 12539-60001 |
See above.
Differences from the A version yet to be determined.
MB72,LJ72,PB |
12539C | Time-Base Generator | 12539-60003 |
The 12539B re-implemented with more-recent TTL ICs to reduce the component count and reduce/eliminate the CTµL ICs.
(Manual refers only to the 2100 processor, bus interface still uses -2V.)
MB73,LJ73 |
12875A | Processor Interconnect | 12566-6001 12566-6001 |
Used for dual-processor HP-2000 time-shared BASIC systems.
2 Micro-Circuit Interface PCAs in each processor (4 PCAs total).
See 12566A.
MB70,LJ70 |
12875B | Processor Interconnect | 12566-60024 12566-60024 |
12875A updated to use 12566B PCAs.
LJ73 |
12908A | Writeable Control Store for 2100 Computer | 12908-60002 |
Adds 256 writeable microprogram words to the 2100 (manual does not appear to mention A or S models specifically).
Writing to the store is done via I/O operations.
The PCA goes in an I/O slot, a special jumper connects the board to the CPU control section.
MB73,LJ73 |
12908B | Writeable Control Store for 2100 Computer | 12908-60006 |
Difference from A version yet to be determined.
LJ74 |
12909A | Prom Writer | ? |
For writing microprograms into PROMS to be added to the control store. |
LJ2100 |
12936A | Privileged Interrupt Fence | 12936-60001 |
Not a device interface, but an I/O PCA which permits software to break the interrupt continuity chain and so inhibit interrupts from all devices of lower priority (greater channel select code) than the slot in which this PCA is installed.
A program-controlled version of the Interrupt Priority Jumper PCA.
(Manual refers only to 2100A and 2100S processors, bus interface still uses -2V.)
MB74,LJ74 |
13185A | Microfilmer | ? |
Don't know anything more.
LJ73 |
91200B | TV Display | 91200-60007 |
A dot-matrix graphics display interface for television monitors.
256*240 on 525-line monitors, 256*256 on 625-line and 288-line monitors.
Up to 3 cards can be used to provide up to 8 grey-scale levels or 8 colors.
Manual says "compatible with 2100A/S and 21MX computers".
MB76,LJ76 |
(index) |